Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It was His Idea

Exodus 3:4 -"When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!"And Moses said, "Here I am".

As I read the story of this first encounter between God and Moses, I'm reminded of How God is the one who always takes the first initiative to reach out to us. If you think about it, Moses wasn't particularly an extraordinary man. He was a child from the Levite tribe as many more of his contemporary isaraelite fellows. He wasn't particularly spiritual, or was at the dessert as a way to offer penance and look for God. No, he was there as a result of wanting to take justice on his hand and fleeing for his life as he was sought after to be killed by Pharaoh. Furthermore, if we check the way Moses responds to God, we can see how little he actually tought of Himself. However, God in His infinite wisdom and grace chose him for a very special mission. Here we see God approaching Moses, taking that first step and chosing him for a holy and history changing task.

I have seen this the bible quite often. Even when He first called Abraham to become the very first man to be part of God's chosen people. He drove him out of his pagan family. Why Abraham? Because of God's prerrogative. Nothing else.

In the same way He loves us and chose us, because He wants to, because He wills. No because we deserve it. He quite often find us in the most deplorable or indiferent conditions. Actually sometimes more than once, even after we have given our lives to Him after that first encounter. And then the doubts come.
I'm here then reminded of my worth in Christ is not based on how I see myself, and not even how effectively talented, spiritual, popular or succesful I am in life. But my worth is based on God's love for himself and determination to fulfill his purposes in this world and thru my life. Such determination and love led Him to take that first step, to give his Son's life for me and them draw me near to him to be part of His purposes. What more reassurance do we need?
I know the never ending controversy between the doctrines of predestination and free will have divided many. however, regardless of what position you take on this matter, it's only thru God's first move to reach out to us to Christ, that we can even consider coming to Him! He's just awesome!

Thank you God for thinking so highly of us that you consider us worthy of calling us your children. Thanks for making us part of your family and making us active part of your unfathomable purposes. Let us always be reminded of this when shadows of doubts about our worth in Christ are cast over our hearts. Thank you for loving us and choosing us first.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Difference Between Complaining and Intercession

Numbers 11:14-15: " I am not able to carry all this people alone; the burden is too heavy for me. If you treat me like this, kill me at once, if I find favor in your sight, that I may not see my wretchedness".

Even as this passage has a sad end, I was reminded of the power of intercession. Though Moses was the leader of Israel, this wasn't a model prayer of intercession. We see that Moses also was a human who had been bit by the illness of exhaustion. This is the second time that we see Moses overburdened with his leadership of Israel. The first time he was advised by his father in law to get elders to help him judge among the people. So apparently Moses took his God-assigned responsibilities with much zeal and continued giving far and beyond on his call for duty. I think God knew this, and It's amazing how God saw thru the fog of his hopeless cry for help and still responded with wisdom and help. I think that is the beauty of Intercession. That He always respond to it according to his infinite wisdom. We may not get exactly what we ask for, but we normally get what He thinks is best in that specific situation. In this case Moses got the help that he needed thru 70 more elders.

Now, God is not pleased with complaining which is a blunt rejection of his perfect will. Thus, the results of complaining are always dim and we can clearly see how God wanted Israel to learn that He's certainly powerful to respond to their needs, but also a God that loves discipline so that we learn to ask Him in a way that is pleasing to His will.

Lettting God Set the Pace in Your Life Journey

Numbers 10:33: 'So they set out from the mount of the Lord three days' journey. And the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them three days' journey, to seek out a resting place for them".

Interesting how God gave the Israelites green light to start a new phase in their pilgrimage towards the promised land. They needed to get the instructions and the preparation they got from their stationary experience in Mount Sinai. In the same way, God has a special purpose for every season He allows in our lives, and we need to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit so we can walk thru and stay in every season in complete sync with the creator of the journey and its destination. As my youth pastor once told me, don't be afraid, if you trust Him, he'll never let you get lost.

Obeying Even When it Doesn't Make Sense

Numbers 9:18: "At the command of the Lord the people of Israel set out, and at the command of the Lord they camped. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp".

Insteresting how the Lord would make them stand in the camp for longer periods of time and without an explanation. It almost looks like being in a boot camp with God to learn to obey. Interesting how it seems that the Lord was preparing his people for obedience so that they could accomplish the plans He had set for them. He knows that fulfilling our God's given purpose requires to follow him step by step even as very often we neither understand His every move neither the whole picture. But let's take heart, someday we will!

Balancing Honor wth Responsibility in Leadership

Numbers 7:11: "And the Lord said to Moses, "They shall offer their offerings, one chief each day, for the dedication of the altar".

This passage makes me think about the place of honor that God has given to husbands in marriage in Ephesians 5:23-33. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior".  However that privilige doesn't come freely, it comes with a weighty responsibility. Look at how Paul describes the wives' responsibilty to submit to and respect their husbands in just two verses, whereas he takes almost ten to eleven verses to describe the responsibilty of husband, which include dying for their wives. In the same way the chiefs of the houses of Israel were called to lead by giving a generous and special offering from their own treasure. They were called to lead by example with their own lives. I bet they were the first ones to go our to battle.

A Different Task for Everyone, the Same Glory for All

Numbers 4:49: "According to the commandment of the Lord through Moses they were listed, each one with his task of serving or carrying. Thus they were listed by him, as the Lord commanded Moses".

I just love the way God in his perfect wisdom doesn't disregard the community for the individual nor the individual for the community. This conflict between individualism and community is an old dog in the ranks of the "isms"..but only in God's design for humankind can we find perfect harmony between these two. God has designed every person witth a specific set of features to fulfill a unique role, a role that would make the community he is part of more complete, to make it function better. And as in a cyclical way, this enhanced community would help every individual fulfill his purpose. All happening thru the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God.

I know this passage refers primarily to the Levites in the O.T and is mostly applied to the church in conjuction with Paul reference to the parts of the body in 1 Corinthians 14. But I think we can also apply it to the community as a whole. After all, God's vision of community is paralell to his vision for the church.

God is the One who Trains our Hands for Battle

Numbers 2:2: "The people of Israel shall camp each by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers' houses. They shall camp facing the tent of meeting on every side".

I know, it's true. God has already won the victory for us. Satan is defeated. However, until his sentence is executed, he's trying to take down with him as many as he can! That's why we need to be ever prepared for battle. This chapter makes me think about how God was preparing Israel for battle. He had already told them that they will be victorious. He had already given them the land He promised to them. But they still had to fight and take it over. Not on their own strenght, but God's.

I see in these verses that God wanted to make sure that His presence -"the tent of meeting' was at the center of the camp. So when God is at the center of our lives we are victorious. Also he was giving them precise intructions and strategies. In the same way is the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit and our willing obedience that guarantees the victory that God wants to pass on to us. What a great picture and insight on how to fight our present spiritual battles.

God's Comdemnation of Abortion

Leviticus 20:4: "And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech, and do not put him to death".

These verse is a clear statement of God's stance regarding abortion. He's the one that created human life, and He cares so much for it, that not only He created us but purchased us yet again with Christ blood. How much then He repudiates the murder of His dear little ones? And how much more he would show His wrath to their perpetrators, and those who unashamedly promote it! there is always a path of repentance and forgiveness for those that have sinned, but woe of those that still raise their fits in the face of God and kill His children!

The Lord Care for our Diets

Leviticus 11:2: ""Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth".

I know, Jesus said in Mathew 15: 17-18 that it's not what goes in tthe mouth what kills, because it goes in the stomach and then is expelled. But it's what comes out the heart that kills. I think he said this so that we wouldn't make a religion out of diets and rites. He was talking to pharisees in that passage after all.

However,Paul also teach is Corintians that we are temples of the Holy Spirit, to call us to holyness in our bodies. I think this also has to do with the stewardship of our health. Not so much that we start worshiping our bodies by spending countless hours in the gym and the kitchen, but not so little that we abandon ourselves to self-indulgence, get sick and then can't accomplish God's will in our lives. I think this is one of the many reason why God would take the time to give Israelites specific instructions regarding what they should eat.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Healing Power of Forgivenes​ss

Genesis 45:15: "And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him."

Bet you've heard that holding forgiveness back is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other to die. Well, I think it can't be explained any better.  I think that Joseph's ability to forgive was a result of his close relationship and fear of God. I think that only His indwelling within us is the empowering force that allow us to overlook somebody else's fault, love them and focus on the bigger picture. God's picture of things.

Had Joseph kept a root of bitterness in his heart against his brotthers, had he spent his mental and emotional energy nourishing a grudge against his brothers, he probably wouldn't have been able to be free to move ahead with God's plan thru his life. Today's reading encourages me live light, to not let the burden of unforgiveness hold me down, to forgive quickly and cheerfully in Jesus' name!

Learning About Parenting from Isaac's Mistakes

Genesis 28:8: "Esau then realized how displeasing the Canaanite women were to his father Abraham."

It's interesting to see how the bible doesn't hide the flaws and mistakes of the characters of the bible. I find that this reinforces the validity of the bible as a historical document. Romans 15:4 says that all these stories were written so that we learn and don't make the same mistakes.

This passage seems to show us an Isaac that didn't take the time to teach his son Esau on God's ways. Maybe, witth a little more training we could've done a little better on choosing his wives, or maybe appreciating his birthright. His just noticing that his father disprove of his wives after the fact, seems to show that his father didn't give him much guidance. So probably, Isaac himself wasn't as devote to God in that season of his life, otherwise we would've known from the Lord about His will regarding his children. God had revealed it to Rebekah at their birth, but so far I haven't seen any follow up on that prophecy.

The great thing about his story is that we serve a sovereign God that even glorifies himself thru our mistakes. I find that greatly encouraging. Learning from Isaac's mistakes inspires me to try to walk closely to God and ask for his will, and to also be very diligent about passing a Godly legacy to my children. It also gives me a lot of peace to know that I can rest, knowing that I'm safe in Him in spite of the mistakes I WILL make.

We Serve a Timeless God

Genesis 25:23: "The Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger".

Note how tthe Lord knew not only Rebekahs destiny, but also what was going to happen to the destiny of her descendants. The tribes that God was referring to on this verse were a group of people that would take several generations to form. We should also be mindful that God plans for our lives go beyond our lifetime. He is the one standing out of the realm of time, but who is actually able to see and plan its beginning and end.

This verse makes me think about God's ownership of time and of our lives, and helps me rest assured that He's in control of both in my life. I don't have to be anxious about time management or being especially super efficient every day of my life, as I serve a Lord that works in me. For him a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand days. Yes, I have to be a good steward of what I have been given, but not to the point of anxiety of restlessness, but with the assurance that God will lead me to fulfill his plans in and thru my life on his perfect timing, He know best how much time and what I need to experience to accomplish this. I don't need to outperform God.

The Fear of God Drives Away Any Other Fear

Genesis 22:14: " So Abraham Called that place the Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided".

I believe that the best antidote for a life of fear is to fear the creator of life. Note here that out of fearing God, Abraham found the courage to be obedient to God in spite of His request to sacrifice Isaac. At first sight this might've sound non-sensical, but fearing God, knowing that He knows best and He was the the writer of his life story prompted Abraham to obedience in spite of any fear or distrust. In the same way, complete abandon to God's will in our lives will help us live courageously, therefore victoriously according to God's standards.

Do not Forget God's Promises When Circumstances Look Dim

Genesis 16:10: "The Angel added, "I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count"

Note that Hagar forgot the Lord had promised her to multiply her offspring thru Ishmael, as he was Abraham's offspring as well. God is a faithful God who fulfills His promises. He is God "El Roi". The one who SAW Hagar in her distress, and had mercy on her. In the same way, when we believe that no one else cares for us, God is seeing us. And the best pat is that He doesn't only see our immediate situation, but sees the complete picture from an eternal perpective. We can rest at peace in His hand knowing that He will never leave us stranded. He will never leave us orphans. Let's treasure His promises, specially in times of struggle and loneliness.

God Does Listens to Intercession

Genesis 19:29: "So when God destroyed the cities..He remembered Abraham, and He brought Lot out of the catastrophe.."

Just a quick note to remember the power of Intercession. On this passage God responded to Abraham's plead for mercy. He destroyed Sodoma, but spared the life of Lot. Probably he was the only righteous man that Abraham was referring to during his intercesssory pleas before God. God knew the concern on Abraham's heart, even he didn't openly asked Him to spared Lot. God did, because Abraham interceded for Him.

How many times do I intercede before God for other people? We should do so in confidence that It's God's will, He listen's to it and He cares deeply for what we cared for. Even more so, when we let God change our hearts so that we care for the things He cares for our intercession becomes even more powerful. Am I really taking advantage of this tool. We should.