Sunday, April 22, 2012

Learning About Parenting from Isaac's Mistakes

Genesis 28:8: "Esau then realized how displeasing the Canaanite women were to his father Abraham."

It's interesting to see how the bible doesn't hide the flaws and mistakes of the characters of the bible. I find that this reinforces the validity of the bible as a historical document. Romans 15:4 says that all these stories were written so that we learn and don't make the same mistakes.

This passage seems to show us an Isaac that didn't take the time to teach his son Esau on God's ways. Maybe, witth a little more training we could've done a little better on choosing his wives, or maybe appreciating his birthright. His just noticing that his father disprove of his wives after the fact, seems to show that his father didn't give him much guidance. So probably, Isaac himself wasn't as devote to God in that season of his life, otherwise we would've known from the Lord about His will regarding his children. God had revealed it to Rebekah at their birth, but so far I haven't seen any follow up on that prophecy.

The great thing about his story is that we serve a sovereign God that even glorifies himself thru our mistakes. I find that greatly encouraging. Learning from Isaac's mistakes inspires me to try to walk closely to God and ask for his will, and to also be very diligent about passing a Godly legacy to my children. It also gives me a lot of peace to know that I can rest, knowing that I'm safe in Him in spite of the mistakes I WILL make.

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